
Divorced woman spends 7 months trashing her wedding gown

Divorced woman spends 7 months trashing her wedding gown

After Dayna Rumfelt’s eight-year marriage fell apart, she didn’t want her wedding dress hanging around her closet — so she set off on a mission to not just get rid of the dress but to destroy any last vestige of it.

With the help of her family and friends, Rumfelt spent the better part of seven months going all “Game of Thrones” on the dress, literally dragging it through the mud, jumping into a lake with it and wearing it to play paintball.

“Jumping into a lake doesn’t screw your dress up quite like you’d expect,” Rumfelt told the Huffington Post. “It’s funny how when you’re getting married your wedding dress seems so fragile, but really when it comes down to it, those suckers are tough as nails. Outside of the smell, once the dress dried, it was fine.”

But none of these things could take the indestructible dress down. After everything else failed, she burned the dress in a big bonfire.

“I felt such a sense of relief watching it burn,” Rumfelt said. “Almost all my negative energy had transferred to the dress over time, and it had made me so sad to see it. I slept really well the night of the bonfire. The dress just had to go.”