
Maine man stuck in seat belt causes roaring laughter

We never thought we would laugh so hard at a grown man stuck in a seat belt, but a video going viral on YouTube and Facebook has proved us wrong. Clint Chadbourne from Maine was having a pretty difficult time with the safety device while pulled over at a rest stop on Interstate 95 on his way home from Massachusetts. In the video, Clint playfully calls his wife Bonnie “Mom” as she tries to assist him out of the seat belt which he appears to be stuck behind. The other voice and laughter heard in the video is Clint’s daughter, Kelly. While trapped in the constraints, Clint says “I’m getting hydrophobic.”

Bonnie posted the video to Facebook, where it was shared more than 600,000 times. His wife also posted an update that, yes, Clint did in fact make it out of the seat belt. And, for the record Clint, hydrophobia is the fear of water, not getting stuck in a seat belt, which we don’t think is an actual clinical fear.

The video was also posted to YouTube, where one commenter summed up how we feel about the clip: “I think I just pulled a muscle laughing...”