
How old do you look? New age-guessing site goes viral

How old do you look? New age-guessing site goes viral

By now, you may have seen Microsoft’s new age-guessing site,

The app attempts to guess a person’s age based on a photo, and the Internet is freaking out about how incredibly bad it is at guessing ages.

While the age-guessing algorithm may not be totally accurate, it’s very entertaining to see the results!

To test it out all you have to do is upload a photo, let the age-guessing algorithm go to work, and then... read ’em and weep, especially if the app ages you by more than a few years.

“This is a fun story of how we were expecting perhaps 50 users for a test, but in the end, got over 35,000 users and saw the whole thing unfold in real time,” the creators of, Corom Thompson and Santosh Balasubramanian wrote in a blog post.