
The Birmingham community where you have to follow strict rules to live there

Greenfield Crescent in Birmingham's leafy Calthorpe Estate
Greenfield Crescent in Birmingham's leafy Calthorpe Estate -Credit:Nick Wilkinson/Birmingham Live

We all know there are certain addresses in Birmingham that are very des res. But did you know that they remain this way due to a strict code of rules that residents have to follow?

That is certainly the case when it comes to much sought-after homes in Edgbaston's leafy Calthorpe Estate which has been family-owned since 1717. Every homeowner is issued with a 32-page Calthorpe Residents Handbook full of dos and don'ts for living in the area. They also must pay an annual maintenance charge.

The manual bans residents from hanging out their washing on a Sunday, strictly forbids the use of artificial grass and insists gardens be kept weed-free across the 640 hectare site which stretches through Edgbaston and into Harborne and Quinton. People aren't allowed any visible bins and have to make an application if they wish to install a satellite dish.

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Principle Estate Management has won a property contract to help look after more than 4,000 homes on the estate. Brett Williams, joint managing director at Principle, says the handbook is what has enabled the area to maintain its charm: "Back in the 18th century, there were large houses on tree-lined roads with horses stabled in coach houses, and large landscaped gardens next to fields and orchards. The careful stewardship of the Calthorpe Estate over the last 300 years means the area has retained the remarkable charm of earlier days.

“It is now one of Birmingham’s most desirable areas to live, with an attractive mix of old and new, with modern houses and apartments often standing next to large Victorian and Georgian properties."

The Calthorpe Residents Handbook rules

In the introduction to the handbook, Haydn Cooper, Chief Executive of Calthorpe Estates, said: "Working with the residential community we have produced this residents’ handbook, to provide an explanation of the Calthorpe Estate Scheme of Management, which also contains guidance on maintaining or extending your property. We hope you will find it useful, and support us in upholding the standards on the Estate for both current and future generations."

No washing to be hung out on Sundays

Visible washing on a Sunday is strictly forbidden. According to Section 16 of the scheme, owners 'shall not hang or lay out washing to dry' on any part of their property on Sundays so as to be 'visible from the ground floor windows or adjoining or neighbouring premises.'

Keep a weed free garden

Keeping a neat and tidy garden is essential. Owners are expected to 'cultivate' their garden and keep it 'free from weeds' 'at all times'. This includes 'seasonal and appropriate attention' to all parts of the garden. Paths must be kept 'free from litter and refuse and in a clean and tidy condition' too.

Artificial grass

Those finding it hard to find the time to keep on top of their gardening are not able to take the easy option as the manual says that artificial grass is 'not permitted to the front of your property or public areas'. For listed properties and those in a Conservation Area, this rule is extended so that artificial grass cannot be laid down 'in any area'.

Pets and other animals

Domesticated pets are allowed but, traditionally, owners were not allowed to keep poultry. However, Calthorpe Estates have relaxed the rules over the years to allow householders to 'keep a couple of chickens in their rear garden, provided they do not cause a nuisance'. There is a picture in the handbook which shows a dog with a green tick and a rooster with a red cross.


Owners are encouraged to 'be good neighbours by putting their bins out onto the street only on the night / or morning before they are due to be collected'. After collection, they are then expected to 'move the bins to their bin storage area at the rear or side of the property where they are not publicly visible'. The handbook suggests 'if you are not around, you may wish to ask a neighbour or friend to move the bins for you'.

Satellite dishes, solar panels and electric car charging points

Anyone wishing to install a satellite dish 'must submit an application to the Scheme of Management, who will provide guidance on permitted locations'. It's the same rule for the installation of solar panels - consent is required and 'will not be permitted' if a property is listed or an owner wishes to install on a ‘prominent elevation which is visible from the road’.

Consent is also required for electric car charging points and, if granted, these points should be ‘hidden from the road.’


Most roads on the estate are adopted by Birmingham City Council so parking restrictions are set out by the council. On the private roads, parking is 'restricted to residents and their visitors for temporary periods'.


Sheds, greenhouses and similar garden structures are permitted in rear gardens so long as they measure 'no more than 2m (6ft 6in) width x 3m (9ft 10in) length x 2.1m (6ft 10in) high'. Consent from the scheme and the council may be required for any structures over this size or which 'may affect an adjacent property’s right of light or privacy'.

Front railings, walls, hedges and fences

Any owner wishing to replace railings, hedges, walls or fences at the front of their property should replace them with 'like for like, or in a style and colour that reflects the original design' of the property.

Joe Jobson, also joint managing director at Principle, said: "One of Principle’s main jobs will be overseeing and, when necessary, enforcing the Scheme of Management, established by an Act of Parliament for the wider benefit of all residents. It ensures residents abide by everything from not putting washing out on Sundays to making sure their homes are properly maintained and decorated.

"There are carefully planned restrictions on issues like management of trees and building maintenance, plus any alterations must be submitted for approval, which helps maintain Calthorpe Estate as a special place to live.”